5 Authentic Pencak Silat Organizations in Indonesia You Should Know
Pencak silat is one of the foremost martial arts originating from Indonesia that makes a point of the shape of full-body fighting. It combines three sorts of motion allowing the striking, wrestling, and not to mention non-weaponry throwing to stand out. The existence of this masterly heritage indeed can’t be apart from the main role of local associations. They unbelievably go with a valuable goal to maintain the sustainability of the hereditary tradition.
Here are five leading authentic pencak silat organizations in Indonesia you need to find out:
Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate
PSHT or Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate was established since 1922 Earlier than the Indonesian independence time in 1945, The prominent figure behind the progress of this martial art organization is none other than Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo. The precious teaching of this man concerning the attitude in life is that the human being is not supposed to oppress and be oppressed. Setia Hati has a significant contribution to the nation, striving hard to liberate from the Dutch occupation.
Arguably, Setia hati owns a lot of members coming not only from Indonesia but also from abroad. It turns out that becoming a member of this high-flying martial art association has never been proven to be trouble-free. A wide range of tests considered heavy and serious should be performed by the applicants. Speaking of the achievement both at the national and international level, this respected organization keeps remaining its best.
Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah
Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah or better known as Tapak Suci is one of the oldest pencak silat organizations. Founded on July 13, 1963, in Yogyakarta, this union was initially formed to face the threatening state specifically when the communist party of Indonesia was in charge. The fact that Tapak Suci becomes one of the ten historical schools of the Indonesian pencak silat association indicates that it deserves high appreciation either from the society or the administration.
In terms of galvanizing to its members, Tapak Suci always carries out the priority regarding the proper physical silat techniques and the same is true with the breathing method and exercise. Unlike other Indonesian martial art organizations, Tapak Suci doesn't allow the individuals that joining the group to learn so-called body invulnerability (in Bahasa, this term basically refers to ilmu kebal). Although it is closely related to the certain religion affiliation – in this case, is Muslim, it's open to everyone regardless of the faith and race.
Perisai Diri
Perisai Diri is widely known as one of the authentic pencak silat organizations in Indonesia that were founded by a reputable person whose name is Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo precisely on July 2nd, 1955. This famed association belongs to the members of Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia known as IPSI. It significantly fetches the progress in respect of the development of Indonesian martial arts.
On the whole line, Perisai Diri comes with levels divided into two portion – the first one is called Dasar level (covering white belt, black belt, and red belt) and the second one is named Keluarga level considered superior (the belt ranges from white to red-yellow). When it comes to the motion techniques, this group is preferential. It primarily has senam kombinasi – warming up before implementing the proper methods to face another fighter so that the good reflex can successfully be demonstrated.
Persinas ASAD
Persinas ASAD or simply Persinas is a leading pencak silat association established on April 30th, 1993. The fundamental principle of it relies on the philosophical theory of the country popularly recognized as Pancasila. The aim why this group exists is to preserve the culture of the nation. When the accomplishment becomes the essence, Persinas always makes the archipelago state proud. According to a reliable source, it wins the Chungju World Martial Arts Festival held in South Korea. It also goes with numerous belts turning up with meanings. The white belt, for instance, it represents sincerity and purity as well.
Merpati Putih
Talking about the most legendary pencak silat organization, it must refer to Merpati Putih. Can’t you imagine that it has already existed since the 1550’s? That’s no wonder that the oldest martial art association serves as the tangible cultural heritage succeeded by the ancestors. Once becoming the members, the individuals should have a couple of qualities that include having honesty and compassion, being confident, being capable of balancing the daily life, as well as carrying out the religious values with devotion. Speaking of the technique, it is prone to be different from the rests. Instead of going for the motion, it manages to breathe.
To sum up, the five authentic pencak silat organizations in Indonesia majorly lead to the better change and great progress when it comes to taking care of the Indonesian heritage following the martial arts.